
16 iulie, 2024

Sovereign Fund for Development and Investment

The Government is in a hurry and building the Sovereign Fund for Development and Investment (FSDI) so that it can come to fruition as quickly as possible. FSDI will be built following „a Romanian model based on the...
7 mai, 2017
The first step for establishing the Sovereign Fund for Development and Investment has been made Wednesday when the Official Gazette published Grindeanu government’s decision to create the inter-ministerial committee that will draft the legal framework for the establishment...
10 aprilie, 2017
To obtain financing, the Sovereign Fund for Development and Investment (FSDI) planned by the Government will sell shares in the state companies received in its portfolio, provided that it will preserve the majority stake, according to the memorandum...
20 februarie, 2017
Alexandru Petrescu, Minister of Economy The World Bank is interested in the announcement that Romania plans to establish a Sovereign Fund for Development and Investment and the bank representatives stated that they will support and collaborate with Romanian...
20 februarie, 2017


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