
16 iulie, 2024

social measures

  The Fiscal Council estimated Wednesday that the budgetary impact of the social measures decided by Grindeanu government will amount 8.9 billion lei, representing 1.1% of GDP. Presidential Adviser Cosmin Marinescu, Head of the Department of Economic and...
13 ianuarie, 2017
PSD Chairman Liviu Dragnea announced on Sunday evening at Romania TV that „it is very likely” to initiate an inquiry parliamentary commission before which former members of Ciolos government to be called to give explanations about the fact...
11 ianuarie, 2017
The emergency ordinance by which Grindeanu government will increase some wages of the employees from the public service (salaries in administration, culture) will have a budget impact of – 5.13 billion lei in 2017, according to the draft...
8 ianuarie, 2017


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