
16 iulie, 2024


The Government’s solution after the failed attempts to privatize CupruMin is to build a steel plant to process the company’s copper reserves, said the Minister of Economy Mihai Tudose for Digi24. „At CupruMin, I acknowledge and say, we...
1 mai, 2017
Enel Group paid Romanian state EUR 401 million, according to the decision of the International Court of Arbitration in Paris announced in February, according to The amount represents the value of the 13.57% extra stake in Electrica...
17 aprilie, 2017
KMG International NV (KMGI), the major shareholder of Rompetrol Rafinare, announces that negotiations between the National Company KazMunayGas from Kazakhstan (KMG NC) and Chinese company CEFC (China Energy Company Limited) for the acquisition of 51% of KMG International...
16 decembrie, 2016
Given that the situation of the state budget revenues from privatization in the last quarter century is far from being clarified, the Court of Accounts started on Wednesday an audit on the management of state assets and the...
8 octombrie, 2016


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