
16 iulie, 2024

National Commission for Prognosis

Provisional data (1) for GDP growth in Q1/2024 issued by NIS on Friday show that GDP advance stood at 0.4%, compared with the previous quarter (revised slightly downwards against the previous signal data of 0.5%). Economic growth in...
11 iunie, 2024
The economic situation survey made by the National Commission for Prognosis estimates a 5.1% drop of industrial production in the first quarter of 2024, compared with the same period of last year, due to problems in supply chains...
23 aprilie, 2024
The estimated Gross Domestic Product for 2023 was RON 1.605.5 bln at current prices (EUR 321 billion), increasing – in real terms – by 2.1% compared with 2022. The estimated GDP (gross series) for Q4/2023 was RON 482.4 bln at current prices, increasing –...
12 aprilie, 2024
In the autumn forecast on which the 2018 budget is based, the National Commission for Prognosis, an institution under the Government’s authority, increased the economic growth projection for the current year to 6.1%, from the level of 5.6%...
6 noiembrie, 2017
Romania’s GDP is to grow between 2017 – 2020 at a more rapid pace than previously expected, according to the winter economic forecast by the National Commission for Prognosis (CNP). Data presented resemble an old joke about the...
26 ianuarie, 2017


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