
16 iulie, 2024

law on royalties

Prime Minister Mihai Tudose has announced the date of January 1, 2018, as a „certain” term for the entry into force of a long-delayed new law on royalties, according to statements made on Sunday evening at Antena3. „We...
28 august, 2017
The management of the inter-ministerial committee in charge of drafting the legislation on royalties has been taken over by the Ministry of Economy from the Ministry of Finance (MFP) said on Wednesday Ionut Misa, Ministry of Finance State...
19 februarie, 2017
The Ministry of Economy and Energy is currently working on a new system of royalties, to allow investors’ access to a clear list of all resources in Romania, said Thursday the Minister of Economy, Alexandru Petrescu (foto), quoted...
27 ianuarie, 2017


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