
16 iulie, 2024


Romania’s resident population decreased between the last censuses – from the one in 2011 to the one in 2022 – by over a million people, but what is worse is that the drop is registered almost entirely among...
7 martie, 2024
Romania’s population declined between March 2016 – February 2017 by 74,050 people. The number is comparable to the population of a middle-sized city, a capital of a county like Alba Iulia, for instance (74,085 inhabitants). Romania’s annual natural growth...
23 aprilie, 2017
The natural growth was negative in December 2016, as the number of deaths surpassed the live births by 9,782 people. The data for the entire 2016 indicate a decline of the Romanian population by 66,718 people, which shows...
17 februarie, 2017


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